Monday, September 04, 2006

21 E-mail: genetic test results delayed


I have waited four weeks already to learn the results of my genetic test for the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 mutations. Sounds like I’ll have to wait approximately another four.

It turns out that this test is a relatively new one and my insurance company won’t approve it without a compelling reason. Since I don’t have first degree family members (mother or sisters) with breast cancer, there was some question about whether insurance would approve the cost of the test. Until the money is worked out, the lab won’t perform the test. A review board at my insurance company had to look at my case to make the decision to pay for the test or not. I can appreciate their caution. This is a $1000 test and payable at a 100% because I’ve already met my deductible and all my out of pocket expenses. Still does it take 4 weeks to find an answer?

Apparently I won the right to have the test performed because I’m in my 30’s. I turned 35 on Tuesday, in fact.

Yesterday when I went in for chemo I asked about the test results, waiting while the nurse practitioner looked into why we hadn’t heard anything, then got the disappointing news that the test hadn’t even started yet thanks to insurance foot-dragging.

I decided to call my insurance company while getting my Cytoxan infusion to ask if the test was approved or not and could they please tell the appropriate people at the lab if it was so I could get this over with? It’s a not a daily torment, but in some ways I’ve been on pins and needles because this test affects a decision to have major surgery later this year. To have things in limbo over paperwork has been frustrating and an unnecessary stressor.

When I called the insurance company I learned that the test had been approved and letters stating that approval had been mailed to the appropriate parties just the day before. They agreed my financial responsibility for the test would be zero and they set a timeline of early May to early June for conducting the test.

Later in the day I heard from the lab. Since the timeline of the approved test starts in May and my blood for the test was drawn April 27th, I have to submit to a new blood sample. This is stupid. The older blood will work just fine. It’s a technicality as to when the blood was drawn. But it means that when I go to the cancer center today for my shot of Neulasta I will need to patiently get stuck with yet another needle to fill a rather large test tube of blood for the second time. Makes me wish I could show up at the door of the person who made this arbitrary rule and stick that person with a needle a couple of times to demonstrate my displeasure.

The only good thing is that the lab promises to fast track my test results. I think that’s only fair but I can’t force them to do that, so I’m relieved they volunteered.


Previous - 20 Second round of hair loss
Next - 22 E-mail: #4 better than #3 so far

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